We can easily customize the summary statistics reported by
and $print()
By default all variables are summaries with the follow functions:
To change the variables summarized, we use the variables argument
We can additionally change which functions are used
To summarize all variables with non-default functions, it is
necessary to set explicitly set the variables argument, either to
or the full vector of variable names.
Summary functions can be specified by character string, function, or
using a formula (or anything else supported by
). If these arguments are named, those
names will be used in the tibble output. If the summary results are
named they will take precedence.
my_sd <- function(x) c(My_SD = sd(x))
c("mu", "tau"),
MEAN = mean,
~quantile(.x, probs = c(0.1, 0.9)),
Minimum = function(x) min(x)
Arguments to all summary functions can also be specified with
The summary functions are applied to the array of sample values, with
dimension iter_sampling
For this reason users may have unexpected results if they use
directly, as it will return a covariance
matrix. An alternative is the distributional::variance()
function, which can also be accessed via
Summary functions need not be numeric, but these won’t work with
strict_pos <- function(x) if (all(x > 0)) "yes" else "no"
fit$summary(variables = NULL, "Strictly Positive" = strict_pos)
# fit$print(variables = NULL, "Strictly Positive" = strict_pos)
For more information, see posterior::summarise_draws()
which is called by $summary()
The $draws()
method can be used to extract the posterior draws in formats provided by
the posterior
package. Here we demonstrate only the draws_array
formats, but the posterior
package supports other useful formats as well.
# default is a 3-D draws_array object from the posterior package
# iterations x chains x variables
draws_arr <- fit$draws() # or format="array"
# draws x variables data frame
draws_df <- fit$draws(format = "df")
To convert an existing draws object to a different format use the
To manipulate the draws
objects use the various methods
described in the posterior package vignettes
and documentation.
The posterior package’s rvar
provides a multidimensional, sample-based representation of random
variables. See https://mc-stan.org/posterior/articles/rvar.html for
details. In addition to being useful in its own right, this format also
allows CmdStanR users to obtain draws in a similar format to
Suppose we have a parameter matrix[2,3] x
. The
format lets you interact with x
as if
it’s a 2 x 3
matrix and automatically applies operations
over the many posterior draws of x
. To instead directly
access the draws of x
while maintaining the structure of
the matrix use posterior::draws_of()
. For example:
draws <- posterior::as_draws_rvars(fit$draws())
x_rvar <- draws$x
x_array <- posterior::draws_of(draws$x)
The object x_rvar
will be an rvar
that can
be used like a 2 x 3
matrix, with the draws handled behind
the scenes. The object x_array
will be a
4000 x 2 x 3
array (assuming 4000
draws), which is the same as it would be after being extracted from the
list returned by rstan::extract()